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发布:深圳环球雅思英语学校  点击数:  发布时间:2013-8-22 15:23:25

摘要: 深圳环球雅思小编为大家带来托福听力考试中的推断解答方式,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:  1.在做题的时候注意不要过渡推断,步骤最少的推断最接近答案。举个简单的例子:某人生病了,我们不能说他去世了,只能说他身体不适或健康不佳。  2
  深圳环球雅思小编为大家带来托福听力考试中的推断解答方式 ,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:
  1. 在做题的时候注意不要过渡推断,步骤最少的推断最接近答案。举个简单的例子:某人生病了,我们不能说他去世了,只能说他身体不适或健康不佳。
  2. 在推断的时候必须基于原文,尤其是涉及自然科学的知识,在某一学科某一领域的某一概念还未被全世界的科学家普遍接受的时候,我们不能运用课外之时做出推断。
  通常情况下, 推断题都是以what开头的特殊疑问句,会对上段材料中出现的一些细节提出问题,例如:
  what can be inferred about scott anfinson?
  a: his work is not worthy of any credit.
  b: he is an archaeologist with a lot of assets.
  c: he has done a lot of noteworthy jobs on minnesota archaeology.
  d: he, as a great archaeologist, donated some assets to protect the local environment.
  what can be inferred about professor’s attitude toward the book he’s describing?
  a: he prefers coffee than tea because drinking coffee is a patriotic act.
  b: drinking coffee was considered patriotic at the time when british colonists ruled america.
  c: coffee was heavily taxed at the time.
  d: coffee was less popular because it offered little independence to people who loved it.
  what will ___ probably do next?
  what probably happened to ___?
  what can be inferred about ___?
  what is probably true about ___?
  3. 注意答案选项中是不是又被问对象的近似概念或同义词,有些推断答案就是同一概念的替换或延伸。例:
  (一)narrator: listen again to part of the discussion. then answer the question.
  professor: scott anfinson is an incredible archaeologist and author whose work conducive to the discovery of the indigenous indian tombs is thought to be a great asset to minnesota archaeology.
  what can be inferred about scott anfinson
  a: his work is not worthy of any credit.
  b: he is an archaeologist with a lot of assets.
  c: he has done a lot of noteworthy jobs on minnesota archaeology.
  d: he, as a great archaeologist, donated some assets to protect the local environment.
  分析:1.首先是正确辨别两个词: incredible (出色的, 惊人的) 和 asset (财富)。
  2. 通过分析a, 可以了解到是对incredible 的理解。在这里头脑一定要清晰,因为 incredible 中的in不表示 “否定”,与incomplete(不完整的)中的in 不是一回事。特别注意该词的构词法,在考试中经常会出现类似的混淆构词方法的错误选项;
  3. 再来分析b 和d,通过分析不难得出主要考察对asset的理解。美国人经常把某人当作asset, 即 “人是世界上最大最宝贵的财富”的人生哲学的体现。
  4. 综上分析,不难得出c 为正确选项。 noteworthy 意为 “值得关注的”,正好切合教授话中对scott anfinson 的嘉许。

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